Monday 28 March 2011

Refuse any extra packaging and think of wher it might end up such as rivers, lakes, oceans, trees, mountains, valleys and other places. 
Rethink the things you bring with you and how you plan.  Think before you buy and where was this grown/made/manufactured; How far did it travel to get to the store; Under what conditions did the laborers work; Will its disposal be environmentally friendly; Is it sustainably created; Do you really need it;.  Read the labels, know what you’re really buying.  Look for similar items that are locally produced and that use minimal packaging.
Reduce the amount of junk you send to the landfill.  Do you really need all the stuff you think you need. Combine trips to reduce driving emissions and save money.
Before you throw anything away or into a recycle bin you should think Can If you use this again.
Recycle everything possible at recycle.
Volunteer for restoration projects and in your own home Community.